Sorry, we cannot provide answers to your requests for now. The website is being reviewed and updated with the information/provisions that were debated during the recent United Nations meeting on AMR (antimicrobial resistance) and the “global crisis.”
ABSTRACT - presented & registered to International Contest LONDON, Longitude Prize, May 27, 2015
Headquarters location:
11001 FM 2147, HORSESHOE BAY, TX 78659
Our organization is representing all entities and individuals involved in “Biocompatible Technologies/Products/Procedures”; they were initiated and designed to increase safely the immune system reactions using highly engineered immune-modulators. Their effectiveness lies in the uniqueness of never acting as a poison designed to kill pathogen bacteria; this avoids both mutations and obviously drug resistance.
Continuous improvements by “BIOCOM TECHS” expanding activity in product engineering together with more than 3 decades of successfully treating fully-documented “no hope cases” now demonstrates unexplored and unprecedented ways to treat extremely serious infections without using dangerous, ineffective drugs. The same concept and employing similar technologies were successfully tested on volunteers diagnosed with “drug resistant” peripheral, systemic, urinary, and digestive track infections; special note for the first cases of Lyme’s disease and TB treated also successfully in a very short period of time.
The long history of documented results together with all positive “third party evaluations” anticipates the possibility for the creation of a new generation of large-spectrum, multi-strain products as a viable replacement for almost all existing/toxic antibiotics which provoked an artificial increase of the “difficult or impossible to treat bacteria”. It is also anticipated that the new products may offer the best prevention properties in case of epidemics. These features will enable all professionals, hospital staff, and lab technicians to get the adequate protection in real time.
The new concept and technologies appear to be a radical but long time needed change within the antibiotic industry.
For and on behalf of TRUE SCIENCE ALLIANCE CORP.
Constantin Pandaru - President
HEIMMOX Announcement Video
This video of the HEIMMOX conference held on September 28th, 2017 is password protected and is intended for only certain audiences. If you would like to request the password, you may email
Antibiotic resistance could spell end of modern medicine, says chief medic
Prof Dame Sally Davies said that if antibiotics lose their effectiveness it would spell “the end of modern medicine”. Without the drugs used to fight infections, common medical interventions such as caesarean sections, cancer treatments and hip replacements would become incredibly risky and transplant medicine would be a thing of the past, she said.
Alarm as "super malaria" spreads in South East Asia
The rapid spread of "super malaria" in South East Asia is an alarming global threat, scientists are warning.
This dangerous form of the malaria parasite cannot be killed with the main anti-malaria drugs.
The world is running out of antibiotics, WHO says
Too few new antibiotics are under development to combat the threat of multidrug-resistant infections, according to a new World Health Organization report published Tuesday. Adding to the concern: It is likely that the speed of increasing resistance will outpace the slow drug development process.
True Science Alliance to hold 2nd Press Conference
TSA will be hosting its second press conference at 11:00am, Thursday, September 28th, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in downtown San Antonio, Texas.
It is anticipated that the HEIMMOX products will also be pivotal in successfully treating Malaria, Bubonic Plague, Lyme Disease, and Cholera.
True Science Alliance to present at the World AMR Congress
As part of its stated mission toward sustainable solutions to global problems, TSA officials and medical staff will be presenting at the World AMR Congress Thursday the 14th in Washington D.C. They will be introducing the subject of last year's press conference: the new scientific model behind the harmless HEIMMOX antibiotic products and their unrivaled results.
Antibiotic-resistant genes are being spread all over the world in animal feed, scientists discover
Antibiotics found to weaken body's ability to fight off disease
Adding another reason for doctors to avoid the overuse of antibiotics, new research shows that a reduction in the variety of microbes in the gut interferes with the immune system's ability to fight off disease...
Researchers question whether you should really finish your antibiotics
The standing argument that failing to complete a course of antibiotics could fuel the rise of antibiotic resistance has little evidence, a group of United Kingdom researchers argue in a new paper. In an analysis published in the medical journal the BMJ on Thursday, they say that completing a course of antibiotics may instead increase the risk of resistance...
Alabama health officials warn of infectious bacteria in coastal waters
Four people have been infected with the illness-causing bacteria Vibrio vulnificus, according to health officials in Mobile County, Alabama...
People Are Not Petri Dishes -- A New Study Shows Why Antibiotics Fail
I saw one such patient early in my practice, paralyzed for the rest of his life because a surgeon treated a Staph blood stream infection with Erythromycin, based a report that said “S,” or susceptible. He, like most physicians, didn’t know that what works in the test tube (in vitro) may not work in people (in vivo).
How can we stop antibiotic resistance?
World Health Assembly Adopts Resolution To Fight Sepsis; Antimicrobial Resistance Major Threat
Antimicrobial resistance is a growing health concern as was acknowledged by countries at the World Health Assembly this week, and a resolution was adopted to fight sepsis, which is a life-threatening blood stream infection for which there is growing resistance...
Widely adopted method for thwarting MRSA fails in hospital that developed it
Beth Mole
Between August and March, a deadly superbug spread to 10 infants in the intensive care unit of UC-Irvine Medical Center—the hospital where researchers developed a leading strategy to prevent the spread of that very superbug, the Los Angeles Times reports...
Drug Resistant Infections: A Threat to Our Economic Future
Published by the World Bank...
Drug-resistant infections occur when pathogens change in ways that render antimicrobial drugs ineffective. As a result, the pathogens survive and continue to spread. When infections are treatable with antimicrobials, people can be cured and further spread within the population can be readily contained. This has saved hundreds of millions of lives since wide use of these “miracle drugs” started over 70 years ago. Loss of drug-effectiveness because of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is increasing in both developing and developed countries. If this trend continues unchecked, the world will confront a reality where many infectious diseases have “no cure and no vaccine.”
Democrats Propose A $2B Prize Fund For New Antibiotics
John LaMattina
In its quest to make drugs more affordable, a group of prominent Democrats introduced into both Houses of Congress the “Improving Access to Affordable Prescription Drugs Act.” This ambitious bill seeks to accomplish a lot of things, such as requiring greater transparency with respect to R&D costs for new drugs, allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices and allowing drug re-importation from outside the U.S...
New FDA Rules on Antibiotics Attempt to Squash ‘Superbugs’
T.S. Strickland
The death of a Nevada woman has focused renewed attention on the problem of antibiotic-resistant bacteria...The incident was reported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week, only a few days after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced a set of new rules aimed at fighting these so-called “superbugs” on their home-turf: the farm...
True Science Alliance Held its First Press Conference Supporting HEIMMOX
Main Subject: The most advanced technologies and products (HEIMMOX) have so far proven to be the only sustainable solution to effectively combat anti-microbial resistance.